giovedì 15 aprile 2010


possibile temporale monsonico in arrivo
vento fastidioso e probante
fughe e controfughe
ventagli devastanti
sconfinamenti di carreggiata suicidal
sfiorati innumerevoli frontali
buchi e sgasate diaboliche
insomma, anche ieri sera ...
la mala delle due ruote ha dato il meglio di se !!!

3 commenti:

  1. ropaganda death ensemble
    Burial to be
    Corpses rotting through the night
    In blood laced misery
    Scorched earth the policy
    The reason for the singe
    The pendulum it shaves the blade
    The strafing air blood raid

    Infiltration push reserves
    Encircle the front llines
    Supreme art of strategy
    Playing on the minds
    Bombard till submission
    Take all to their graves
    Indication of triumph
    The number that are dead

    Sport the war, war support
    The sport is war, total war
    When victory’s a massacre
    The final swing is not a drill
    It’s how many people I can kill

  2. DA PAUUUURAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!
